Easy like Sunday morning…+ fishing & brunch

Our Sunday started out with two alarms, an extra early walk and breakfast for Cleo, a loading of the car…and then off we went.  We were headed for some local fly-fishing…and not in the LA river this time.  We brought our bikes along since there was a paved access road that reached over 6 miles up the canyon.  The picture below is deceiving…it was freezing at 7 am at the trailhead – the day later topped out in the high 90’s.

We fished the West Fork of the San Gabriel River.  Not quite as remote and pristine as I had hoped…as demonstrated by the ‘fishing platform’ shown below.  However, we did catch fish…so the creek is healthy enough to sustain fish…a good sign.

I was lucky…I dropped a caddis fly on the water…and I had a bite.  More than a bite actually…I had a fish!  A pretty small rainbow, and my first fish caught in California waters.

The bikes were perfect…we traveled approximately 5 miles in…and stopped along the way wherever it looked like the fishing might be worthwhile and the tree limbs and branches would be forgiving of our casts.

Woody managed a catch just as we were about to call it and start heading back down to the cars.  Much bigger than my fish and caught while hanging out at the top of a run where the water is cooler and oxygenated.

On the ride down, the temperature was clearly rising and we were ready for some brunch.  We stopped here, and enjoyed iced coffee and interesting waffles, eggs, french toast and wraps!

Best of all, the day was still young…finished with brunch by 12:30…there was plenty of time to go home, take naps, play Super Mario Galaxy 2, wrestle the dog, get some work done and make dinner.

But before dinner…it was cocktail time…we made frozen margaritas and guacamole.  C’est parfait!

Not okay…sidewalk-spanning spiders!

Time:  6:41 am this morning

Scene:  1/2 block away from home, taking Cleo on her morning walk…barely awake…until this!!!!


Needless to say, I was quite awake after *barely* avoiding walking right into this thing.  I should add that it was between shoulder and eye level (read…I probably would have screamed, gasped, nearly choked, and appeared to be having a seizure as I flailed to try to get one said giant orange spider off of me).  I’m pretty sure the only reason I even saw this…6 inches before walking into it…was that Cleo had walked underneath the web but disturbed one of the web anchors…and so the spider moved.  I literally shudder to think what would have happened had I entangled myself in this spider’s web…and later discovered a humongous orange spider in the collar of my jacket…or crawling up me.  I know he was hoping for a big catch…but I’m not it!

Hope your day started out much better than mine!

Just for emphasis…here’s a second picture…

Atterbury Family Reunion…part 1!

I’ll start at the end…and work backwards…seems like the right way to go since it was almost 2 months ago that this all took place.  Atterbury…huh…?…”I’m confused” you say…well you’re not the only one.  Frankly, I need charts, photos, name-tags, graphs, family trees, calendars and maybe a few mathematics equations to work through all the various relatives who were in attendance.

Let me explain.  It all started with Arminia Rosengarten and William Wallace Atterbury.  They were my great grandmother’s parents, making them my great grandparents.  SO…this all trickles down to a giant Atterbury Family Reunion that took place in Sun Valley, Idaho this past June.  The last reunion happened in 2001 in Santa Fe and Woody and I were able to go for only a day or so.  Almost 10 years later, this was a great gathering of family from all over the country.  Pictured above is the entire Connelly contingent…back row, left to right is, Rory, Will, Ciaran and Liam…front row, left to right is Alexis, Kate with Avery, Melissa, Woody, Liz (me) and Wynne.

We stayed in a house…yep, one house for all 11 of us…hard to believe we all fit.  And of course…we had to watch a lot of World Cup Soccer!  The timing of the games worked out very nicely – waking up to coffee, breakfast supplies and an 8 am World Cup Game is not a bad way to get going!

We all went up a day or two early to enjoy Sun Valley a little before the official program got going.  We squeezed in a lunch in Ketchum…Avery really liked her grilled cheese.

9 holes of golf was great – despite the huge thunderstorm and downpour that opened up right at our tee time.

The course was beautiful, built right into the foothills, winding it’s way up and back down again with some pretty difficult holes.

We planned a dinner at Sego, after reading through reviews and asking for recommendations…and it was certainly worth it.  Menu is based on sustainable American cuisine.

Part one concludes…stay tuned for part two in the near future.