Mixed Feelings

photo credit: Paul Huttner 

January arrived – and, at this point, is almost past…and I’ve got mixed feelings about it.  On one hand, it’s a new beginning and a chance to start fresh…and on the other hand there is such possibility to feel as though you’re not living up to your new goals or taking advantage of this new fresh start.  (this feeling also comes from my job…as there is nothing new and fresh about January in the cycle of our work…rather like false peaks on a mountain where the true summit is miles off in the distance)

Don’t get me wrong.  My January has gone pretty well…I’ve tried to hold firm with boundaries at work and not stay (too) late…I’ve jumped back on the workout wagon and have even managed to get myself into a pool to do some laps…I managed to get christmas 2011 put away (it may have been halfway through January…but who’s counting?)…I found us a real dining room table deeply on sale (floor sample!!)…I skipped out for a night to get drinks with friends for a birthday…and I have even managed to eat a little better.

However, there are many things that I have not managed to accomplish.  The house is a bit of a disaster…there are piles (glomming into one massive pile) of paper collecting dust as it waits to be sorted and dealt with…does it count when you do laundry but then never get it out of the dryer to fold? (I didn’t think so)…approximately 17 posts are waiting in the wings for me to write up for onionsandchocolate…Cleo desperately needs a bath and a nail trim.  The car needs to get into the shop for some very-needed repairs and our range thinks we hate it since we have hardly cooked anything since the start of the new year.  Oh, and that thing I used to do…blog…that has flown out the window!

I recently read an article about ‘To’Do’ lists and ways to make them truly count!  One suggestion was limit the list to five things.  Five is manageable, five is enough to feel satisfied and productive, five is not enough to feel overwhelmed by, five is good.  So what are your five things to do today…?  This weekend…?

Here are my five…(for the weekend)

1.  Tidy house and get laundry under control!

2.  Sort through, deal with and file papers is previously mentioned giant pile

3.  Exercise – at least once to the gym and maybe get a swim in as well

4.  Cook a whole dinner

5. Write and publish at least 1 post for onionsandchocolate

And number 6 is perhaps the most important…enjoy the weekend!